

1 min


Blackheads are small and dark lesions on the skin that are often present on the neck and face. Age and hormonal changes are common causes of blackheads. However, blackheads can sometimes make us feel quite miserable as they can hinder the natural glow of our skin. Thus, it is important to treat blackheads.
• So here are 5 ways to treat blackheads :

1.Scrubs : Scrubs can be very helpful in treating the blackheads. Scrubs of different brands are available for different skin types in the market. One can easily get the one which is suitable to their choice and skin type. However, excess scrubbing can make them worse. Apply it gently on the skin once or twice a week.

2.Steaming – This is one of the simplest remedy to treat blackheads and is suitable for all skin types. It can help in opening the clogged pores and improving circulation and removing toxins. However, it is important to take care that excess steaming can make the problem worse. It should be done only once or twice a week.

3.Masks – A variety of masks are available in the market to fight blackheads. Aspirin mask , clay mask or charcoal mask can be very useful
In treating the blackheads. These masks are suitable for all skin types. One should not use them more than twice or thrice a week.

4.Oils – Oils can help in preventing blackheads as they consist of ingredients that can nourish the skin and have cleansing properties. A variety of oils can be used for treating blackheads like castor oil , lavender oil, jojoba oil and coconut oil. People with oily skin should make use of these oils with drops of lemon juice as it can make their skin more oily.

5.Others – There are several other ways to treat blackheads at home for example using egg white, tomato, Milk, honey, toothpaste , green tea etc can also help in treating blackheads. One should make sure to see what suits their skin type and then move ahead for the treatment .

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