
Top 5 Most Expensive Cities in the World

Economist Intelligence Unit's 2019 Worldwide Cost of Living Survey featured the most expensive cities in the world through the cost of over 150 items in 133 cities.. 1 min


Top 10 list of most expensive cities in the world is curated from the Economist Intelligence Unit's 2019 Worldwide Cost of Living Survey. 

Paris, Hong Kong and Singapore are the joint top three most expensive cities in the world. Surprising as it may be, that's what the survey results portray.

Top 10 list of most expensive cities in the world 

  1. Singapore
  2. Paris
  3. Hong Kong, China
  4. Zurich, Switzerland
  5. Geneva, Switzerland
  6. Osaka, Japan
  7. Seoul, South Korea
  8. Copenhagen, Denmark
  9. New York, United States
  10. Tel Aviv, Israel
  11. Los Angelas, United States

The Top 10 Cheapest cities in the world

  1. New Delhi, India
  2. Chennai, India
  3. Buenos Aires, Argentina
  4. Lagos, Nigeria
  5. Karachi, Pakistan
  6. Bengaluru, India
  7. Almaty, Kazakhstan
  8. Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  9. Damascus, Syria
  10. Caracas, Venezuela


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