
9 Types of Blogs & Bloggers You Didn’t Know About Until Now

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9 Types of Blogs and Bloggers You Didn’t Know About Until Now

We’ve broadly defined 9 types of blogs and bloggers and we’re pretty sure you didn’t know all nine. Read them all and let us know in the comments, which type of blog do you write? Which blogger are you?

Blog Type #1: The Rogue
Rogues, quite simply, attract attention — both good and bad.

They’re not afraid to bend the rules and go against the grain. They take bold stances on divisive issues. This wins them both admirers and detractors.

Blog Type #2: The Guest Host
The benefits of guest posting have been blogged about ad nauseam. But the benefits of hosting guest content have been written about much less.
That’s what the Guest Host is all about — regularly hosting top-notch guest content.

Did you know that Neil Patel grew the KISSmetrics blog to over 400,000 visitors a monthpublishing posts that mainly came from guest authors? He also grew the Crazy Egg blog to over 100,000 visitors a month using the same strategy.

Although the Guest Host regularly features content from guest authors, the person (or people) behind the blog will also regularly step back into the spotlight and write posts of their own.

Blog Type #3: The Crash-Test Dummy
The Crash-Test Dummy is best summed up using the words of the person who coined the term: Pat Flynn of SmartPassiveIncome.com.
As Pat says on his home page, “I’m the crash test dummy of online business, sharing what works (and what doesn’t) so you know exactly how to build  yourbusiness better.”


The Crash Test Dummy tests different strategies, techniques, and tools, then shares what works (and what doesn’t) so you can know what to implement and what to avoid.

Blog Type #4: The Niche
Rather than focusing on broad topics like leadership, marketing, or sales, niche blogs get hyper-specific.
How specific?
When Pat Flynn began his Niche Site Duel (in which he and Tyrone Shum each created niche sites from scratch), his list of potential niche ideas included things like writer’s block, police training, and data loss — that’s how specific.

Blog Type #5: The Giver
The Giver gives away incredible free bonus content with every post.

These are called “content upgrades” — an additional piece of content created for a specific blog post and given away in exchange for an email address. On top of being a great way to deliver more value to your audience, they’re also a great way to build your email list.

Blog Type #6: The Guide
The Guide writes posts that help readers with their personal lives. Many bloggers utilizing this blog type discuss topics like personal development, life coaching, and/or spirituality.

Blog Type #7: The Homer
No, the Homer is not a label reserved for blogs about doughnuts, nuclear power, or Duff beer.

It’s reserved for bloggers who write posts of epic proportions — posts that takereaders on a 2,500+ word journey every time.

Though word count is one of the most noticeable aspects of the Homer, it doesn’t define this type of blogger. Word count is simply a means to an end, and that end is a transformative journey. The Homer takes the reader from Point A to a vastly different Point B.

Blog Type #8: The Tell-All
Would you be comfortable swapping stories with the Most Interesting Man in the World from the Dos Equis commercials?

Have you been to the top of the mountain… and also walked through the shadow of the valley of death?

Have you learned a lot of valuable information the hard way?
If you answered “yes” to all three of those questions, the Tell-All might be the perfect fit for you.

To put it simply, the Tell-All frequently writes posts that feature both shockingly revealing details and highly valuable information/lessons learned.

Blog Type #9: The Personal Brand
Are you a major part of the brand you’re trying to build?

Well, of course you are. You’re building it, after all. But is your personality a cornerstone of the blog you’re building? Is your name in the URL? Is your face all over the home page? Do you want to be known as you, or as the person who writes Blog XYZ?
Personal Brand blogs are ideal for those who are seeking to position themselves asexperts.

Blog Type #10: The Enterprise

The Enterprise is a blog built for a company, not an individual. It’s the type of blog companies like Buffer, HubSpot, and Coca-Cola feature on their websites.

Typically, a team of writers create content that is relevant and valuable to the type of people who fit the company’s customer profile. That content then attracts those potential customers to the website, where they can learn more about the company’s product(s).

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